Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Volume XIX, Issue 8, October, 2010


The Charlotte Herb Guild Newsletter
"Herbal Homemaking" 

Next meeting:


October 12, 2010

Garden Council House

1820 East Seventh Street
Charlotte, NC 28204

Hostesses: Jane Ireton and Judy Powell

Visitors are welcome: $5.00


Minutes September 2010

The September meeting was the annual potluck, hosted this year at the home of Theresa Nardi. Members approved the August minutes by vote. The following reports and information were shared during the brief meeting.

Farmer’s Market:  

This year’s event was a success, with total sales of $1,361. Sales included 35 tussies, 16 cookbooks, 31 food items and other items.
Garden Council:

Members received a handbook from the Charlotte Council of Garden Clubs. It included details about upcoming Council events, including a flower arranging workshop with designer Kenn Stephens and an October Flower show.

The theme for the Garden club of North Carolina’s convention (May 1-3, Sheraton Airport, Charlotte) is “Come See Charlotte, The Queen City.” A motion passed for The Guild to make 25-30 centerpieces for the luncheon. Dana DeBellis will lead the project. Our theme will be “Tea With the Queen.” The guild will spend about $25 on each one and sell them after the luncheon for about $30. Members are encouraged to bring teapots for the centerpieces.


The next event at Changed Choices will be at 7:30 p.m. Sept. 28. Guild members will give a session on making make Mexican food, including tacos as well as Spanish rice. RSVP to Dana DeBellis if you are interested in participating. Also check the Guild website for details.

Other Business:

Mary Ann Nagel suggested that the guild plan a trip or special program for members as a gesture of appreciation for contributions such as work at the Hezekiah garden, the farmers market and other events. A group that includes Margery Orell, Mary Ann Nagel and Theresa Nardi will work as a committee to come up with suggestions.

The Meeting adjourned at about 9 p.m.

Recipes from the delicious food enjoyed at the August meeting can be found by clicking on the Recipes tab at the top of this blog posting.

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