CHG Newsletter July 2019

The Charlotte Herb Guild Newsletter
July 2019

The Charlotte Herb Guild
Meeting Tuesday, July 9, 2019
Garden Council House
1820 East 7th Street

Susan Poel called the meeting to order at 6:40pm. The minutes from the June meeting were unanimously approved.

Susan Poel thanked those who provided refreshments for the meeting – Dixie Kelly, Brenda Dills, and Julie Courtney.  Program members Lana Andrews, Debbie Bouton, and Ann Baldwin also provided for the buffet. All were asked to send their recipes electronically to Susan Oleson for distribution and posting on the blog.

Margie Orell announced that one guest present was present, Fay, a friend of Lana and Phyllis.

In the absence of treasurer, Mary Beth Collins, Susan stated that the Guild has a balance of $5842.04 in the bank, minus the $200 franchise fee that was paid to the state. The Farmers’ Market made $1052, and due to the generosity of many members, it only cost $270 to earn this money.
Lana gave a brief overview of the upcoming programs:
·        The August 13 meeting will be held at Savory Spice in Atherton Mill, 2000 South Blvd., Suite 520, Charlotte. Parking is difficult, so members are encouraged to carpool when possible. The program will be on Cooking Herbal Soups, and there will be time to shop following the program. Since the shop closes at 6, we are asked to arrive no earlier than 6:15-6:30.
·        The September meeting will be at the McGill Rose Garden, 940 North Davidson Street, on Sunday, Sept. 15 at 2:00 pm. Craig informed the group that Virginia’s Herb Garden has been replanted and labeled, and we are welcome to take cuttings on that day.
·        The Annual Tea Party is scheduled for Saturday, October 12, at the Charlotte Museum of History. The guest fee is $20. More information will be forthcoming.

Susan Poel asked all members to “Like” the CHG Facebook page, created and updated thanks to the efforts of Beth Burgin.

Lana, Ann, and Debbie presented the program “Excess to Ecstasy – Using your Herbs,” and members had an opportunity to bring home sprigs of many herbs donated by members and many door prizes were awarded.
Susan Oleson

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