The Charlotte Herb Guild Newsletter
February 2020

The Charlotte Herb Guild
Meeting of February 11, 2020
Garden Council House
1820 East Seventh Street

The meeting began with members perusing the many donated items displayed for the Silent Auction and making bids on them. Vice president Beth Burgin officially called the meeting to order at 6:20 PM. The group enjoyed a wonderful array of food provided by hostesses Sandie Fenton, Patti Harlan, and Dana DeBellis, presented with a Valentine theme. Beth thanked them and reminded them to send their recipes to Susan.

Beth asked for approval of the January 2020 meeting minutes. Lana Andrews made a motion, and they were duly approved. Beth announced that the Garden Council’s February 29 presentation by Jay Sifford is full.

Margie Orell introduced the guest of Carol Koball, Alice Hayes. Margie reminded attendees that dues must be paid before the March meeting. The form and a check for $30 may be mailed to Margie or given to her at the March meeting. Margie’s address is 1133 Berkeley Avenue, Charlotte, NC 28203.

Mary Beth presented the Treasurer’s report. The CHG has a current balance of $5721.83. The Davidson Garden Club sent the Herb Guild a thank you note for again funding student scholarships for their March Symposium.

Lana Andrews gave an update on the May 2 bus trip to Asheville. The cost is $15 per member, and must be paid now. If there are still vacant seats, the trip will be opened for guests for $25. The bus will leave the Council House at 8AM and leave Asheville at 3PM. Lana needs two hostess volunteers.

The Hezekiah Alexander House work day is Friday, February 21. Beth stressed this is a large garden. If members can help, they should contact Ann Baldwin for time, directions, and details.

Julie Courtney reminded members that the Annual Tea Party this year will be Sunday, March 22 at 2:00PM at the Council House. Invitations are forthcoming.

Debbie Bouton reviewed the results of the program survey completed in January. CHG members voiced they enjoy offsite meetings. The Duke Mansion has been confirmed for October 13. Other topics being researched as possible programs are Herbs for Beginners, Medicinal Uses for Herbs, Cooking with Herbs and Essential Oils, and Wreath Making (that we keep). The survey results also expressed the CHG members need to make sure new members feel informed and included.

Suzanne Williams distributed a sign-up sheet for hostess duties for 2020-2021. Three people are needed for each meeting, and this is a requirement for all members.

There was a discussion on the 2020 Farmers Market and what we can make as fundraisers since we can no longer sell anything edible. Ideas included tussie mussies, smudge sticks, sugar scrubs, bath balls, and the like. Pat Moreland and Sara Graham are spearheading this effort.

Beth asked if there was any new business. Carol Koball asked that members who are willing to give a short Herb-of-the-Month presentation fill out the slips of paper she distributed.

Sara Graham gave the Herb-of-the-Month presentation on Rosemary, and distributed a planted cutting for each member.

The next meeting will be the Tea Party on Sunday, March 22 at 2:00PM. Guests are welcome for a $20.00 fee.

Respectfully submitted,
Susan Oleson
Communications Chair

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