CHG June 2019 Newsletter

The Charlotte Herb Guild Newsletter
June 2019

The Charlotte Herb Guild
Meeting Tuesday, June 11, 2019
Garden Council House
1820 East 7th Street

Susan Poel called the meeting to order. The minutes from the May meeting were unanimously approved.

Margie Orell announced that we have one new member, Cathy Kasem, and one guest present.

Mary Beth Collins stated that the Guild had $6,230.29 in the bank, minus the $200 franchise fee that is being paid to the state.

Susan Poel thanked those who pitched in to provide refreshments for the meeting – Suzanne Williams, Mary Beth Collins, Lana Andrews, Debbie Bouton, Ann Baldwin, and Susan Poel.

Lana encouraged members to bring a guest to the July meeting and any extra herbs that they have in abundance. The program should be fun and informative. We will be discussing, demonstrating different ways to use herbs. If you have any ideas, recipes, crafts and so on, please talk to Lana to about including them in the program.  The August meeting is at Savory Spices and is about making soups.

Mary Ann Nagel asked that any interested members help out at the Hezekiah Alexander House this Friday, June 14 at 9:30.

Mary Beth Collins presented on the Herb of the Month, English Thyme.

Ann Baldwin introduced our speaker, Jill Rogers. Many members may know Jill, who is a recent past president of the Charlotte Council of Garden Clubs, a Council House Trustee, and a member of the Sardiswood Garden Club. Jill was gracious enough to share her experiences and pictures of the Chelsea Flower Market and her visit to several gardens around England. Jill highly recommends using Back Roads Tours. She was with a small group of 15 or so people for eight days. The overnight accommodations were in quaint villages. Handouts were supplied on the four main types of gardens and the roster of gardens visited. One member mentioned that you can see recordings of the Chelsea Flower Market on YouTube.

The meeting was adjourned.
Susan Oleson, Beth Burgin, and Debbie Bouton

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