The Charlotte Herb Guild Newsletter
January 2020
January 2020
The Charlotte Herb Guild
Meeting of January 12, 2020
Garden Council House
1820 East Seventh Street
President Mary Susan Poel called the meeting to order
at 1:20PM. She thanked hostesses Vicki Jaus, Suzanne Williams, Pat
Siegfried, and Mary Beth Collins for providing lunch.
Susan asked for approval of the September meeting
minutes. Pat Siegfried made a motion, and they were duly approved. She also
passed around a thank you note form the Sardiswood Garden Club for the CHG’s
beautiful decorations in the Garden Council House.
In Margie’s absence, Ann Baldwin reported there were
no guests present, but welcomed new member Pat Moreland. Membership forms were
distributed, and dues must be paid by time of the March meeting. The form and a
check for $30 may be mailed to Margie Orell or given to her at the February
meeting. Margie’s address is 1133 Berkeley Avenue, Charlotte, NC 28203.
Mary Beth presented the treasurer’s report, and the CHG
has a current balance of $5701.92. She said that usually the CHG has donated
$200 for two student scholarships for the March 3 Davidson Symposium. Ann
Baldwin made a motion that this year’s donation is in honor of deceased members
Carol White, Judy Powell, and Althea Barton and it was approved. Mary Beth will
also specify that the scholarships be awarded to CPCC students.
Debbie Bouton distributed a survey asking members for
ideas for programs for the upcoming year.
Carol Koball presented the Herb of the Month on peppermint
and distributed rooting cuttings.
Lana said that the February 11 meeting will again be a
Silent Auction, which raised about $300 last year. Members are asked to donate
items related to herbs and gardening and bring to the meeting. Suzanne needed one more hostess for the meeting and
Sandie Fenton graciously volunteered.
Lana also told members that we will again rent a bus
to attend the Asheville Herb Festival on May 2. More information will be
forthcoming including the cost and times. The Tea Party will be Sunday, March
22 at the Council House. CHG will meet at Brenda’s greenhouses on Sunday, April
Susan Poel said that for the coming year, hostesses
are asked to provide a sweet or a savory item and beverages. This will make
hostessing less intimidating.
Susan read the list of nominated officers for 2020-2021
and asked if anyone had additional nominations from the floor. The Executive
Board’s proposed slate of officers was approved for 2020-2021.
President: Susan Poel
Vice President: Beth Burgin
Membership Chair: Margery Orell
Communications Chair: Susan Oleson
Treasurer: Mary Beth Collins
Program Co-Chairs: Debbie Bouton, Sara Graham, and Pat
Members voted unanimously to approve the slate.
proposed these members who have agreed to serve in the following committee
chair roles:
Farmers Market: Ann Baldwin (Tussie Mussies), Pat Moreland, Sara
Hospitality: Suzanne Williams
Tea Party: Julie Courtney, Pat Siegfried, Vicki Jaus
Potluck: Dana DeBellis and Patti Harlan
Garden Council Liaison: Ann Baldwin
Herb of the Month: Carol Koball
· Hezekiah Alexander House: Ann Baldwin, Lana Andrews, and Mary Ann
· Virginia's Garden: Eric and Craig Ritchie
· Council House Herb Garden: Beth Burgin
Susan asked
Mary Beth to provide a brief overview of the Charlotte Council of Garden Clubs. CHG is one
of ten member clubs of the Council. CHG members are entitled to attend meetings, and may rent the Garden Council House for half price. The Council will be offering
a presentation “The Magic of Gardening” by Jay Sifford, a landscape designer, on Saturday, February 29 at 10:30 AM at the Council House.
Sandie Fenton
reminded members of the upcoming York County Master Gardeners’ Adventures in Gardening, Saturday, February 22, 2020 from 8:00am - 3:00pm at the Gateway Conference Center, 3200
Commerce Drive, Richburg, SC 29769 For
more information and to register, visit
Numbers were drawn for door prizes, and each member
received a surprise due to the generosity of several members.
The next meeting will be the Silent Auction at the
Garden Council House on Tuesday, February 11 at 6:00pm. Guests are welcome for
a $10.00 fee.
Respectfully submitted,
Susan Oleson
Communications Chair
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