Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Volume XX, Issue 10, January 2011

The Charlotte Herb Guild Newsletter
Next meeting:
Tuesday, January 10 2012

Annual Business Meeting

Doorprizes!!! including a $100.00 gift certificate to Royal Gardens

Hostesses: Lara Barnett, Andrea Jones and Holly Jeffries
Minutes from the November Meeting

Theresa Nardi called the meeting to order and thanked hostesses Anna Brandl-Klein, Mary Ann Nagel, and Gina Simmons for the delicious refreshments. Members approved the October minutes, and Theresa introduced the following guests: Nancy Doyle (guest of Madge Eggena), Susie Gibson (guest of Theresa Travelute), and Mary Catherine Berger (Dixie Spivey’s granddaughter).

Theresa reminded members that there is no meeting in December.  In preparation for the January business meeting, members were asked to think about what worked and what didn’t this last year.  Specific recommendations for programs and activities for 2012-2013 are also needed.  At the November Board meeting, officers will be working on ways to solicit member input.
Ann Baldwin reported that the herb garden at Friendship Trays is supplying not only herbs for meals but also herbal table arrangements for fundraising and community events. She will be investigating ways that the Guild can further benefit the clients, perhaps by making tray favors using herbs.
According to Mary Ann Nagel, the Hezekiah Alexander Herb Garden is doing well except that several boxwoods have died.  She is researching the cost of a bench and chairs that would replace the boxwoods along the edge of the garden and will bring information to the January meeting.
Theresa Travelute introduced Henry Owen, coordinator of The Friendship Garden which supplies the food for Friendship Trays.  The Garden is a partnership between Slow Food Charlotte and Friendship Trays and is an important educational tool for the community.  In addition to reducing the cost of food for Friendship Trays, this organic garden produces high quality food.  Henry encouraged members to come visit the demonstration garden, also the site of the CHG herb garden.  Now the program has expanded to 15 separate gardens, including gardens maintained by the immured clients of drug and alcohol treatment facilities and The Charlotte Correctional Center.
Henry showed members how to compost using red wiggler worms, food scraps, and moistened newspaper in Rubbermaid storage containers. The worm castings make a very high quality, nitrogen-rich compost and/or “tea.”   He encouraged people to email him for further information and recommended Mary Appelhof’s book Worms Eat My Garbage.   Henry’s email is  The website for the Friendship Trays garden is
After the talk on worm composting, members enjoyed bidding on garden-related silent auction items.  The auction ended at 9:00, and the meeting was adjourned.

Please check the Recipes tab, above, for all the delicious foods from the November meeting. Please also check the photos on the right for examples of both the herbal foods and items contributed to the silent auction.

The CHG Board and the Ad Hoc Cookbook Committee did meet in November. The results of those meetings can be found in detail in the tabs at the top of the page. These will be action items at the January meeting. These recommendations reflect CHG members' stated desires to focus more member time, effort and activities on member education. The cookbook can continue to fund member outings and trips. 

  • Proposed calendar dates for 2012-2013
  • Candidates for CHG Board and Committee positions 
  • Cookbook Near and long-term options
  • Proposed rules for inventory management
  • Budget requests to membership (these will be sent in an email)

At the January meeting, The Board wants to get feedback from members on a wide range of topics. Members will have a chance to voice suggestions for positive changes for the Guild. This feedback activity will be both active and interactive. The Board is interested in "what worked," "what did not work," and "how do we reproduce best practices." Please come prepared to spend about 10 minutes in a structured Q and A in each of these areas: Communication, Programs, Service Projects, Membership, Fundraising. Recommendations are meant to be positive, actionable and realistic regarding money, time and member effort.

Please note on your calendars that the Annual Tea in February will be on  Monday, Feb 13.  This is a change from our usual Tuesday meeting day.

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