Sunday, July 24, 2011

Volume XX, Issue 6, August 2011

The Charlotte Herb Guild Newsletter

Next meeting:
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
7:15 PM

Work Meeting
Preparation for the Yorkmont Farmers Market

Garden Council House
1820 East Seventh Street
Charlotte NC 28204

Hostesses:  Margery Orell, Carol White, Sally Higgins
President Theresa Nardi called the meeting to order at 7:30PM.  She thanked hostesses Patti Harlan and Dana DeBellis for the delicious refreshments.  All the recipes can be found in the "Recipes" tab (above).  

The minutes from the June meeting were unanimously approved by the membership.

The financial report will be deferred to the August meeting.

President Nardi reminded members that the CHG is responsible for watering the Council House garden in August.  Margery Orell, August 1.  Mary Ann Nagel, August 8, Holly Jeffries, August 15, Theresa Nardi, August 29.

President Nardi encouraged members to mark August 27th on their calendars.  On that date, at the Charlotte Museum of History, there will be a Celtic Concert (including member Andrea Jones).  All proceeds go to the Herb Garden which is maintained by the Guild.

Dana Debellis will preside over the August and September CHG meetings while Theresa Nardi is out-of-town.

The Plaza-Midwood Neighborhood Association is constructing an herb garden for Shamrock Elementary School (August 6) and has asked the CHG to donate drought tolerant herbs to the effort.  After some discussion, the membership voted to donate $50.00 for such herbs.

Netta Turnbull, membership chair,  introduced Susan Gibson, guest of Theresa Travelute.  She also introduced a new member, Andrea Jones.  Finally she asked members to remember to wear their name tags to meetings.

Chairs of the Yorkmont Farmers Market sale, Sandie Fenton, Julie Courtney and Joan Smith updated members on the upcoming sale on September 10. The August 9th CHG meeting will be a member work day to get ready for the Market. All tools and supplies will be available at the meeting. Members will be creating cards with herbal and garden themes, hand-stenciling tea towels with an herbal motif, and finishing pre-stamped herbal tiles. The work will also include packaging and pricing all of the other items that will be sold (aprons, hypertufa pots, planted teacups and teapots, silver herbal markers, cookbooks).  Members are asked to bring clean glass jars for the tussie mussie effort.  Members who signed up for foods to sell are asked to bring the name of the items and pricing information to the August meeting. Members who have not yet signed up to bring food items to sell or to sample may still contribute to the effort.

The meeting adjourned to the program.

Theresa Travelute led the informative program on creating a living wreath.  Her examples were both creative and lovely. Mary Beth Collins won the wreath raffle and went home with one of the creations.

Theresa suggests using any of the basils, oregano, the thymes, or anything with a shallow root system as the best plants for a living wreath. Her best advice is to soak the wreath in fertilizer (2 parts water to one part fertilizer). Then fertilize on a regular basis.  Don't allow the plants to go to seed.  

For more information about living wreaths, consult the book, The Living Wreath by Teddy Colbert and the website, How to Make an Herb Garden Living Wreath.

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