Thursday, February 17, 2011

Volume XX, Issue 1, March 2011

The Charlotte Herb Guild

March Meeting
March 8, 2011, 7:15PM

Making Herbal Wine
John Peragine
Author of The Complete Guide to
Making Your Own Wine at Home

Garden Council House
1820 East Seventh Street
Charlotte, NC 28204

Hostesses: Ann Baldwin, Madge Eggena, Judy Powell

Guests: $5.00


February Minutes

President Dana DeBellis presented revisions to the CHG By-Laws. The changes were voted on and passed. The revised by-laws may be read in the links on the right, "Good to Know." A slate of candidates for the 2011-2012 CHG Board and committee chairs was also presented to the membership along with revised duties for each position. The candidates were elected and the revised duties accepted by the membership. They, with their revised duties, are as follows.

2011/2012 Charlotte Herb Guild Board and Committee Chairs

President: Theresa Nardi
Duties: Manage both Board and regular meetings. Develop and communicate agendas to membership. Develop strategic marketing plan. Develop marketing/communication materials.

Vice President: Dana DeBellis
Duties: Garden Council Representative. Manage/Report (any) cookbook inventory. Chair ad hoc committee on next steps for the CHG Cookbook (Ad Hoc Committee: T Nardi, M Collins, D Kelly). Manage special events and fundraising activities. Serve as liaison with Outreach Chair and Farmer Market Chair.

Program Co-Chairs: Theresa Travelute and Lenlee Corish
Duties: Arrange programs for meetings. Create and communicate calendar of programs for members. Send presenters thank you letters. Serve as liaison with Hospitality Chair. (Eliminates Corresponding Secretary position).

Treasurer: Dixie Kelly
Duties: Manage and report income, liabilities and assets.

Membership Secretary: Netta Turnbull
Duties: Take attendance at meetings. Introduce guests. Collect guest fee and give monies to Treasurer. Create guest and new member name tags. (Name tag board being retired and members given their name tags)

Communications Chair: Margery Orell (Mary Beth Collins back up)
Duties: Maintain website/blog/newsletter. Take meeting minutes. Role incorporates history and publicity functions. (Position combines Newsletter Editor and Recording Secretary positions).

Immediate Past President: Serves as tie breaker for Board stalemate votes.

NON-BOARD POSITIONS (see Board Positions that serve as liaison with these Chairs).

Hospitality Chair: Mary Beth Collins
Duties: Manage, assign and communicate with meeting hostesses. Manage council house key transfer. Manage pot luck dinner assignment and logistics.

Outreach Chair: Anne Baldwin
Duties: Liaison, manage and communicate events at Hezekiah Alexander House, Friendship Trays and other CHG community outreach efforts.

Charlotte Farmers Market Chair: Unassigned
Duties: Organize, manage and communicate Farmers Market Event. Identify what products will be offered/sold and assign pricing. Arrange pre-sale material collection and product construction, Determine stall set-up. Organize market staffing and record keeping.

Matthews Farmers Market Chair: Lynn Lytle
Duties: Organize, Manage and communicate Farmers Market Event. Identify what products will be offered/sold and assign pricing. Arrange pre-sale material collection and product construction. Determine stall set-up. Organize market staffing and record keeping. (Karen Sullivan has volunteered to handle cook book sales for this event).

President DeBellis presented the 2009-2010 Board and committee chairs with handcrafted tote bags in appreciation for their hard work.

The outgoing Board presented Dana Debellis a lovely gift card to a local craft store in gratitude for her leadership for the past two years.

The business meeting was adjourned, followed by the annual tea hosted by the outgoing Board.
The Barbara Kingsolver Table
The theme of the annual tea was AuthorTea, featuring favorite women authors. The outgoing Board decorated tables reflecting the books of Julia Child, Tasha Tudor, Barbara Kingsolver, Beryl Markham and and Susan Wittig Alpert.

Members were treated to specialty teas from Teavana, sweet and savory herbal foods, handcrafted bookmarks and book/CD doorprizes at each table.

View a slide show (on the right) of the tables and foods prepared for the evening. Recipes from the evening are located in the tab at the top of the blog labeled "Recipes from this month's meeting."

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