Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Volume XX, Issue 9, November 2011

The Charlotte Herb Guild Newsletter

Next meeting:
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
7:15 PM

Worm Composting Demonstration 
with Henry Owens

Silent Auction*
Garden Council House
1820 East Seventh Street
Charlotte NC 28204

Hospitality: Anna Brandl-Klein, Gina Simmons and Mary Ann Nagel
*All members contact Theresa Travelute before Nov. 2 with information about auction item and suggested starting bid.  
Minutes from the October Meeting.

After the potluck supper, President Theresa Nardi called the meeting to order and thanked everyone for all the delicious food.  Minutes of the September meeting were approved, and Anna Brandl-Klein introduced her guest (and sister) Martha Bash.

Treasurer Dixie Kelly announced that she is still receiving receipts for the Farmers Market and has the following accounting.


Farmer’s Mkt                         $1632.00

Farmer’s Mkt                         - 402.07

Net Income FM                      $1,229.03

Program Co-chair Theresa Travelute outlined plans for the next meeting.  Henry Owens who is responsible for the garden at Friendship Trays will do a presentation on worm composting and we will have a silent auction.  Members need to let Theresa know by November 1st what they plan to bring for the auction so Theresa can prepare bid sheets.  Items should be herb or garden-related and may include services (meal preparation, baking, help in the garden, etc.). Let Theresa know what the starting bid should be as well.  She will have some blank bid sheets available at the meeting.

Dana DeBellis, Vice President and Garden Council representative, reported that the Sardis Garden Club is selling wreaths and roping as a Christmas fundraiser. The due date for orders is October 19th.  At the September  Council meeting, the Herb Guild hosted and sold $44 worth of goods left from the Farmers Market. The Garden Council plans to revamp the front yard of the Betty Little House, and Jane Ireton, who is one of the trustees, helped to move plants from the front to the back yard.  

Theresa Nardi reported that Madge Eggena will be presenting “Herbs Matter” at the large District 3 meeting for the NC Council of Garden Clubs to be held in Statesville on October 13th.  More information about the Charlotte Council and the District 3 presentation is available on the website: www.charlottecouncilofgardenclubs.org.  The registration form for the District 3 meeting is at

Mary Beth Collins asked that recipes from the potluck be sent to her as soon as possible so they can be published on the blog and the newsletter.

The meeting was adjourned.

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