CHG May 2019 Newsletter

The Charlotte Herb Guild Newsletter
May 2019

The Charlotte Herb Guild
Meeting Tuesday, May 14, 2019
Garden Council House
1820 East 7th Street

President Susan Poel called the meeting to order at 6:40 pm and she thanked hostesses Stephanie Holden and Holly Jeffries, who, in addition to herself, provided a magnificent tablescape and buffet. The minutes from the April meeting were duly approved with the notation of changing the typo of $300 to be kept in reserve to $3000.

Margie Orell introduced two guests that Dana brought, Wendy and Kathy, who has decided to become a member. Margie also announced that two new members were in attendance—Vicki Jaus and Millie Snyder.

Mary Beth presented the treasurer’s report; there is currently a balance of $6853.61.  She made a bank deposit after the Farmers’ Market of $883 and will reimburse members as needed.

Lana Andrews and Ann Baldwin told members that the June 11 meeting will be at a Pollinator Garden in Matthews beginning at 6pm.  There will not be hostesses for that meeting and members are asked to respond to Suzanne Williams if they would like to eat at Pita Kabab Grill (131 E. John Street, Matthews) after the meeting. Suzanne will make a reservation. (Suzanne has agreed to fill in arranging for hostesses as Stephanie needs to step down from this responsibility.)
Holly thanked everyone for their assistance with the Farmers’ Market. She particularly thanked Lana Andrews for heading up the craft table and Ann for leading the tussie-mussie effort.

Beth Burgin reported that the CHG Facebook page is up and going and people have been visiting the site. Please ‘Like’ the page and posts so you will get new posts in your feed. Beth encouraged members to post their own pictures as it’s a totally public page.

The annual plant exchange was held, and everyone enjoyed learning about the various plants and taking one home.

Susan Oleson

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