CHG Newsletter April 2019

T he Charlotte Herb Guild Newsletter
April 2019

The Charlotte Herb Guild
Meeting Saturday, April 13, 2019
Adventures in Herbs
15908 Deepwood Place
Indian Trail, NC

President Susan Poel called the meeting to order by thanking Brenda Dills for having us at her herb farm. She thanked hostesses Linda McDonald, Suzanne Williams, and Mary Beth Collins for the delicious brunch. The minutes from the February meeting were duly approved.

Guests were introduced: Hilda Norwood brought Nancy Smith; Mary Beth Collins brought Anne Sheffield from the Sedgefield Garden Club, Carol Pearsall from the Sedgefield Garden Club,  and Jill Rogers  from the Sardiswood Garden Club;  Ann Baldwin brought Vicki Jaus; and Suzanne Williams brought her husband Ron.

Mary Beth presented the treasurer’s report; there is currently a balance of $5915.61. At the November meeting the Board decided to keep a minimum of $3,00 in the account. There are currently 27 paid members. Mary Beth gave a partial breakdown of where CHG membership dues go; $12.00 per member goes to the state garden club and $3.00 per member goes to the Charlotte Council. The budget this year predicts a deficit of about $300.  She invited anyone with questions about this year’s budget to contact her.

Lana was absent but wanted to remind members that the May 14 meeting is the plant exchange.

Ann Baldwin reminded members of the Earth Day celebration at the Hezekiah Alexander House, April 27th Saturday from 12 pm to 4 pm. Volunteers will arrive about 10:30 to 11 and park in the upper parking area and walk down unless they have tools to drop off. Eric and Craig Ritchie will be there to help. It will be a ‘working day’ too, amending the soil, planting herbs, and answering questions. She still needs volunteers.

Susan Poel reminded members that the Tuesday night meeting time is now 6:00 pm. Hostesses are needed for some months. If you have not signed up yet, please contact Stephanie Holden.

The Farmer’s Market is Saturday, May 11, and is the biggest fund-raiser of the year! Thursday and Friday will be workdays to prep for the tussie-mussies.  Ann is organizing tussie-mussies and needs volunteers.  Volunteers will meet at 11:00 am on Thursday, May 9th at Brenda’s to gather materials, then at 9:30 am on Friday, May 10th at Ann’s house to prepare some in advance. Please bring extra jars and extra materials. A handout was available for directions on making them.  Contact Ann Baldwin with any questions.

Holly and Julie said that set-up Saturday at the Farmer’s market starts at 7:40 am with 1st shift at 7:45-9:45, and 2nd shift at 9:45 to closing. The market should wrap up by 12-12:30.

Beth Burgin reported that the CHG Facebook page is a work-in-progress. Please ‘Like’ the page and posts so you will get new posts in your feed. Beth will post an “Event notice” shortly on the upcoming Farmer’s Market date. Beth also requests help if anyone wants to be an ‘Admin’ on the page with her. Feel free to post your own pictures too. It’s a totally public page.

Susan Poel picked winners for the door prizes; 2 tussies and a pair of gardening gloves.

The rain let up, and the members enjoyed shopping in the greenhouses.

Beth Burgin and Susan Oleson

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